
Compliance protects our company

The KRÜGER GROUP is one of the world’s leading family-run companies in the food industry. Our company is a reliable business partner, and our employees are responsible for “doing the right thing” at all times. Our compliance system helps us to keep everyone informed on the topic of compliance, as well as to avoid risks and react to any violations. All of our employees are trained to recognize and react to risks, and we provide individual advice to anyone who wants this.

Our code of conduct

For a company to be successful, all of its people must share the same values and act accordingly. Integrity and compliance with regulations are the indispensable foundation for the trust that our customers, business partners and employees place in us, and are therefore essential to our company’s long-term financial success. Each and every one of our employees—from trainees to the managing director—is responsible for making the right decisions and refusing to tolerate behavior at the KRÜGER GROUP or its business partners that contravenes our code of conduct.

Download Code of Conduct

Whistleblower system

We have set up a whistleblower system so that people can report any violations of the law or of our corporate values. This online system allows all employees, customers and suppliers throughout the group to report violations or other incidents—anonymously if they wish—whenever speaking to the persons involved does not appear to be advisable or has already been attempted. The whistleblower system is currently available in German, English, Polish and Dutch. All other information will be provided once the whistleblower system has been opened. You can find the whistleblower system under the following link:

Here is the whistleblower system

The internal processing of reports in the whistleblower system is governed by the KRÜGER GROUP’s rules of procedure, which can be accessed here and are binding for all parties involved.

Click here for the rules of procedure

Human Rights Declaration

Assuming social responsibility, acting with integrity and respecting human rights are firmly anchored in the company values at the KRÜGER GROUP. As a global company, we are committed to ensuring that human rights are respected along the entire value chain, especially at our suppliers. Identified or reported risks are consistently counteracted.

Download declaration KRÜGER GROUP

Download declaration Ludwig Schokolade GmbH & Co. KG

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