Career | Review
Sales industry
In 2019 Björn K. celebrated his 25th anniversary at Wilhelm Reuss.
Career | Review
Sales industry
In 2019 Björn K. celebrated his 25th anniversary at Wilhelm Reuss.
A sales representative through and through
In 2019 Björn K. celebrated his 25th anniversary at Wilhelm Reuss. The experienced head of the industrial sales department recognized a real opportunity and literally seized it. The team player likes nothing better than being able to make his own decisions and the potential for direct communication with the customers.
After a quarter of a century of service, it’s hard to imagine Wilhelm Reuss without you. Can you give us a brief description of your career path?
I started my career as a commercial apprentice at Winsenia. Alongside my work, I completed a degree in business administration and computer science after my apprenticeship. In a way, I “stumbled” into my current field of activity. When a colleague retired, I was given the opportunity to succeed him. A stroke of luck, so to speak. Ten years later Wilhelm Reuss took over the company, and I decided to move to Berlin. So they were quite varied years.
“Making my own decisions and being able to communicate directly with our customers are the icing on the cake in my work.”
Speaking of variety – does that also apply to your everyday working life?
Definitely. I am responsible for our industrial customers. They process our products, such as fillings or glazes. These include products of many well-known brands that can be found in the supermarket. I communicate a lot – with customers as well as with our development, purchasing, logistics, and production departments. My work has a lot to do with numbers, preparing offers, and being in charge of negotiations. The telephone is definitely my most important tool.
What do you enjoy most about your work?
My work does not follow a set formula, which I really like. My team and I face challenges practically every day. The fact that I can shape my daily routine freely and have the opportunity to make decisions about my own work procedures are other important ingredients that I really enjoy. And the fact that the KRÜGER GROUP is growing and flourishing naturally helps me when talking to customers.
What makes you forget everything around you?
When our company participates in tenders, I become so engrossed that I completely forget my surroundings. Because every detail counts – and of course the clock is ticking. On the other hand, I am in my element when I pick up the phone. I maintain a good relationship with most of my contacts. This, of course, also means that you know their hobbies and where they are going on their next holiday. This is simply a very pleasant way to work.